Design Technology


At Heptonstall Primary School, we believe that design and technology should be taught in all year groups to prepare children to be independent, work in teams and become creative problem-solvers.

We teach design and technology each half term linked to the national curriculum objectives for that year group. We also teach Design and Technology during our topic lessons when an objective lends itself well to that learning focus.

Children at Heptonstall are encouraged to be creative whilst designing products with a purpose for the correct audience.

We link these objectives with topics they are learning to have strong cross-curricular links such as, cooking and nutrition which we link to healthy food choices.

As a school, we monitor the progression of design and technology in individual pupil books, which evidences the teaching and learning and follows them throughout school. Design and technology is also monitored through observations and pupil interviews to ensure children enjoy their learning whilst making good or better progress.

Design Technology Policy
Long Term Plan