
At Heptonstall, we believe children should be given the fundamental skills they need to read and write fluently and with confidence. A good use and understanding of the English language underpins the whole curriculum and a high expectation of writing applies across all subjects.

In English lessons, children are exposed to inspiring and challenging texts to build on reading skills and provide excellent writing opportunities. We want children to love reading and enjoy writing. We want them to express themselves, be creative and expand their imagination through a broad range of stimulus including carefully chosen books, extracts, poems, films and experiences. The presentation of work and neat, legible handwriting is paramount at Heptonstall.

Children are taught the rules of basic grammar and spelling through phonics in KS1. By the time they leave our school, we aim to have children who are able, confident spellers with a firm understanding of grammar and punctuation.

English Policy
Grammar Handbook

SPaG Knowledge Organisers

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6


In lower and upper school (year 1 – year 6) we use Spelling Shed to set pupils weekly spelling that are taken from the National Curriculum. The spelling rules are taught in class through a discrete spelling lesson or within an English lesson. Pupils are then encouraged to use Spelling Shed to practise their spellings for the week by playing various, engaging games. Some pupils are set individual assignments that cater for their need or that provide them with a challenge.

Writing Long Term Plan

‘Children who are working through our phonics programme, ELS, (then link ELS to what will be the phonics page) within EYFS and KS1, develop their spellings through the graphemes taught.

When ready, children progress from our ELS Phonics Programme onto the ELS Essential Spelling programme. To find out more about the ELS Essential Spelling programme please click here: https://global.oup.com/education/content/primary/series/essential-letters-and-sounds/els-essential-spelling/?region=uk&utm_campaign=els&utm_source=blog&utm_medium=cta-button&utm_content=introducing-els-essential-spelling-blog&utm_team=pri  During Key Stage 2 we use the Spelling Shed programme to teach spellings.

Year 1 Spelling List
Year 2 Spelling List
Year 2 Spelling overview
Key Stage 2 Spelling Long Term Plan